Weekly Window for 12th January 2025

A thank you to all hands that have helped to make the past few Sundays manageable-extra dish washers, chair movers, table sorters, decorators, and un-decorators.  You are appreciated.

A Reminder-this week is the 2nd Sunday for our regular retiral collection.

Due to the weather, our Guild meeting was cancelled and rescheduled for 20th of January at 2 PM.  If you haven’t yet tried the Guild, please do come along.

Session will meet on Monday evening, 20th of January at 7 PM. If the weather looks like it did this past Monday, we will all plan to meet on Zoom.  If you do not have Zoom and would like to buddy up with someone who does, let’s make arrangements now so that as many can be involved as possible.

We are still planning on the Guild coffee morning on the 25th of January, and we have volunteers, but if you would like to help out, we would welcome you.  Any donations for the bottle stall can be received in the Kirk Shop until Friday the 24th.  We will set up on Friday afternoon from 2 until it’s finished.  Thanks, everyone.

Our new Bible Study will begin Tuesday, 28th of January at 4. We will be looking at parables and beginning an investigation into Unpacking the Bible, a programme designed by former Moderator of the Church of Scotland, The Very Reverend Colin Sinclair.