Weekly Window for 5th January 2025

News:  Tuesday Table was given an honour over the holiday period.  Tesco brought a basket to Tuesday Table on Christmas Eve to award a Tesco Community Award-voted on by the public. Congratulations!!

Reminder: next week is the 2nd Sunday so please bring your extra pound for the retiral collection.

The Guild will meet at 2 PM tomorrow, the 6th of January.  Please bring a photo of a special place for the Convener’s Challenge this year.  We’re going to look at passages in the Bible related to the theme, Sure Foundations, and enjoy some fellowship together.  We will also plan the coffee morning and speak about our potential April outing date.

Tuesday, the 7th of Jan at 4 PM, the Holiday Club/Keith Show planning group will meet in the hall. Would you like to come along? It’s good fun and such a worthwhile way to be involved in our community.

Please put 25th of January on your calendar-we’re having a Guild coffee morning 10-12 in the hall to raise funds for the projects.  We’ve had tartan donated by Mither Tongue and we will look forward to a lovely time with shortbread and tea/coffee on Burn’s Day. I’m working on a musical option…

We will begin a new Bible Study in the New Year, Tuesday at 4pm seems to be a popular time, and we will start on the 28th of January.  We are hoping that now the days are stretching, we will be in the daylight before we know it. I have had a few expressions of interest and hope that we can continue to challenge ourselves and grow our faith in 2025.