Thanks to those who helped out with the café church and the service both last week and this week. I would like to be worshipping with you. I will be back on the 28th and see you next Sunday, for the 2nd of June.
Coffee Morning on Saturday, 1 June in aid of St. Thomas-saxophone concert, 10:15-11, followed by stalls and tea.
Bible Study Thursday 30th of May. Everyone is welcome. See you at 4 in the hall.
All Guild present and future members, The Guild’s Together Gathering for Moray is Wednesday, the 29th of May from 2-3:30. We will be doing some crafting and conversation, getting to know others in Guilds around Moray.
Reminder for Session-please remember 29th of May at 7 PM at St. Rufus Kirk to learn of the recommendations from the General Trustees regarding our buildings in Keith.
The Annual Stated Meeting for the congregation will be held 9th of June following worship.