Thanks to all for the participation and help with hosting Fiona Kendall. it was good to hear about mission in another part of the world
During lent the chapel is open for private prayer on Wednesdays from 3-4. You can come for 5, 15 minutes or however many suit. There is no formal ‘program’ but the hymn book, the Bible and prayers will be available.
Bible study continues Wednesdays at 4 throughout Lent. We are discussing bless the Lent we actually have by kate bowler. You can participate daily individually, and then join us for discussion on Wednesdays. If you would like to printed copy, please speak to Amy. You do not need to purchase the book to participate.
This Friday, a bereavement group will be beginning on the 1st of March at 2-3PM at the North Manse. If you have lost someone and would benefit from sharing your experience with others, or if you know someone you think would benefit, please do invite them along. The format will depend on the number and the needs of the people intending on participating.
Aalso in the evening on the 1st March at 7:30 PM, the world day of Prayer Ecumenical service will be held at St Thomas’ this year. It is a meaningful service prepared this year by the people of Palestine. All are welcomed and invited.
Prayerfully keep in mind our retreat next Saturday 2nd March. 10:30-3. It’s not too late to join. Add your name, as it wont be the same without you! If you really can’t make it, you can support the Girl Scouts in their Coffee Morning in the Scout Hut