Welcome to the season of advent-the first waiting period of our church calendar.
I pray this will be a fulfilling time for you all as we await with anticipation the arrival of the second coming as we remember the first.
This afternoon at 2 PM is our Service of Hope. A time for preparation for the upcoming season and reflecting on those we love.
Also, this afternoon is the Taize service at Holy Trinity cup of tea at 4 and the service will begin at 4:30. All are welcome.
Moderator’s Challenge-we have been encouraged, by the Assembly Moderator to raise funds for a solar project in Malawi, bringing light so that children can study and read. Session decided to hold a retiral offering one Sunday a month for fundraising such as this. Our first retiral collection will take place next Sunday, and we will continue the second Sunday of each month. We are interested in small amounts that will increase when added with others. If you would like to keep your spare coins and bring them in once a month, that would be helpful. It is also possible to put a coin bank in the Kirk Shop. Thank you for your concern for others.
A donation was made to CrossReach in the amount of £52 & a donation of £138.60 (open plates from Remembrance Sunday) was made to Poppy Scotland .
Please come explore advent together with our Bible Study Tuesday at 4 PM. We will continue our rich conversations through Advent. You could come learn with us…
Would anyone be available to help at a table at Tesco to offer Stars for the tree fundraiser? We are planning some Primary 7s to come down in the afternoon. I have asked for either 12th or 13th of December. Please let Amy know if you might be available. Thanks!
Would you be interested in carolling this year? We are planning an opportunity to sing for Turner Hospital, hopefully on Monday the 23rd of December and finish up with cocoa and tea in the hall. Last year it was a special time, and the community really appreciated it (as did the singers!).
If you are a regular attender (or irregularly regular), please do consider officially joining our congregation. There are a few decisions we will be taking over the course of the next months, and it would be helpful to have your voice a part of that discussion. Speak to Amy if you might like a further conversation.