Our group for the Keith Show and the Holiday Club will meet in the hall tomorrow at 4:15(Monday, 11 March). We will primarily focus on identifying craft for the days, as well as thinking about the theme. All are invited to share.
The Guild will meet on Monday, 11 March at 7:30 in the hall. All are welcome to attend. The Session will meet on Wednesday, 13 March at 7 PM in the hall. Just a reminder that during Lent the chapel is open for private prayer on Wednesdays from 3-4. You are welcome for any amount of time. Prayers will be available, as well as a quiet space for you to pray on your own.
Bible study continues Wednesdays at 4 throughout Lent. We are discussing Bless the Lent we Actually Have by Kate Bowler. https://katebowler.com/lent/ You can participate daily individually, and then join us for discussion on Wednesdays. If you would like a printed copy, please speak to Amy. You do not need to purchase the book to participate.
If you or someone you love has recently experienced a bereavement and would benefit from sharing experiences with others, come to the North manse on Friday the 15 th at 2. We are beginning a group for companionship and a listening ear. We had our first gathering this Friday and would like to offer a listening ear for those who have lost loved ones.
Please remember our upcoming Holy Week Services-all taking place at Holy Trinity at 7:30 PM each evening led by the ministers in Keith and we will be joined by Bishop Mark Strange for Thursday and Friday this year.